

This section is dedicated to the Remembrance of those who have given their lives for their country.

Donations made In Memory

Below is a list of donors who have made donations to the Museum in memory of a loved one. If you wish to make a donation and have your Memoriam placed here, please use the Contact Us link in the main menu above and let us know.

Donor In Memory Of
Darlene McClennan Shirley (Smyth) Smith - Nursing Sister
Marie White Greg Nash
Betty Morgan Greg Nash
Marie White Hoppy Hopkins
Karl White Ronald Jones
Dave & Peggy Armstrong RAdm. Rodocachi
Eileen Watt Edward R. Maynard (brother)
Diane Gilbertson Edward R. Maynard (uncle)
Douglas & Loraine Moore Nita-Marie Elliott (First Curator)
Douglas & Loraine Moore John Elliott CPO1
Susan Woods Roger Fisher
Douglas & Loraine Moore John 'Jack' Britton
This site was created by Corey Forman with assistance from Douglas Moore, CYS, RCN/CF RET’D.